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 Laramie Living to Host Housing and Resource Fair

On Tuesday March 25th Laramie Living will be hosting a resource fair that will feature a multitude of resources that can aid students or any member of the Laramie community in a smooth transition to living off campus. The fair will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. 

“It’s a really good opportunity for the students to just interact with all these different types of resources that they may not know exist or may not know they need,” said Robin Lyons, Sales and Circulation Coordinator at Student Media. 

The fair will give students and anyone seeking resources an opportunity to explore the different living options available here in Laramie, with face to face interaction and aid.

“It gives them an opportunity to meet with these resources, these individuals, face to face, talk to them, find out details,” Lyons said. “Possibly even say they’re looking for an apartment, you meet up with one of the landlords that’s up there, and you might be able to set up a time to go look at an apartment, you know, go tour or something.”

For many students, college is the first time they might be expected to live on their own, and the resources provided at this fair aim to assist them as they make the transition. It serves as another level of practical education that will serve students for the rest of their lives.

 “It’s there as an opportunity for students to maybe educate themselves to things they didn’t realize they might need to know not living on campus, because when you live on campus, everything’s provided for you, food, you have your shelter, you have everything you need with that, Lyons said. “But then you move off campus, and that all becomes your responsibility.”

The fair works in conjunction with the Laramie Living publication, whose mission is to provide a comprehensive guide to living, working, and thriving here in Laramie. The publication has proved extremely successful in its efforts to present educational resources that support anyone navigating life in Laramie. 

“That’s what this publication does, a lot of things that a lot of people haven’t thought of, and we know that this is a successful thing,” Lyons said. 

The event has seen high turnout the last few years, which is inspiring as it encourages practical education and the continued use of the many resources provided through the fair. 

“We try our very best to get as many students up there as possible, because it’s in their best interest,” Lyons said. 

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