The Jackalope is great and everything, but how about some love for the Unicorn?
I recently read that the powers that run our fine state have proposed we make the Jackalope our state’s mythical creature. Now I, for one, as a lover of fuzzy antlered animals am all for this proposal, as the Jackalope is both adorable and ferocious.
However, I would like to remind our fine senators that while the Jackalope might be the most obvious choice, there are several other mythical creatures that would make equally badass and adorable state symbols.
First off, let’s talk about the unicorn. The unicorn is the most majestic of all mythical creatures. It has a single horn that is both fearsome and grandiose at the same time. It has a striking white mane and tail that glistens, even when there is no sunlight. Imagine how good that would look on travel brochures. Everyone would want to visit Wyoming. Can you say tourism revenue? Not to mention its blood can help you cheat death. Senators of Wyoming, what more could you possibly want out of a mythical creature?
Then, there is the phoenix. The phoenix can literally combust itself and then be reborn from its own ashes, right in front of your eyes. Aside from being possibly the coolest party trick ever, I would think a state that promotes renewable resources would take some notice of a creature that literally recycles itself.
There are of course many other options including the Narwhal, which would also boost tourism because, let’s face it, it combines the awesome of the unicorn with a whimsically nautical twist. Or the Gnome, because who doesn’t want to see tiny, angry bearded-men with awesome hats standing in everyone’s yard. The point here is that while I support our senators, I ask simply for them to consider the other options, for they are both plentiful and awesome.