University students love their coffee. Hot buttered coffee is a tasty alternative to milk and sugar or non-dairy creamer.
Anyone walking across campus can see that students at the University of Wyoming live on coffee and other caffeinated drinks. UW has three coffee shops, which are a testament to students’ love for the stimulant.
Black coffee is not usually an option for most students due to its bitter taste. Adding milk and sugar or one of the dozens of non-dairy creamers on the market makes coffee more palatable.
The Book and Bean, Elements and Rolling Mills make coffee to order, but if pocket change is low, it may be easier for students to brew their own in their dorm room. The question then becomes what to put in it.
Students can choose the traditional path, but if they are looking for something different, this recipe is rich and sure to satisfy any coffee drinker.
Hot Buttered Coffee
Makes 20 servings
¼ cup butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon ground allspice
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
In Addition:
1 cup very strong HOT black coffee
Whipped cream and cinnamon stick (optional)
In a small bowl, blend the butter and sugar very well. (I used the storage container I was going to store the mixture in.)
Add the vanilla and spices and blend well again.
For each serving, stir 1 tablespoon of the butter mixture into 1 cup of coffee.
Garnish with a cinnamon stick and some whipped cream
Cover and refrigerate the leftover butter mixture for up to two weeks.
Nutrition information for 1 cup (calculated without the whipped cream)
Calories 67
Fat 2 grams
Carbohydrates 12 grams