Snack attacks have an uncanny way of hitting at the most annoying times, while watching the latest installment of “The Walking Dead” or in the middle of late night studying, making going to the store inconvenient.
Most people do not keep candy laying around and handy for those times when the mood to munch strikes. However, what they do have is a ready supply of coffee mugs.
Microwave mug recipes are perfect for a number of reasons. They are convenient and use only a few basic ingredients most people already have on hand. They are quick, usually less than five minutes. They make a single serving, so no sharing is required.
Coffee Cake in a Cup
One serving
1 tablespoon of butter
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of sour cream (plain yogurt is a good substitute)
1/8 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup of flour
1/8 teaspoon of baking powder
In a microwave safe coffee mug, microwave the butter for 10 to 15 seconds until just soft, but not melted.
Mix in the sugar until fluffy and creamy
Stir in the sour cream and vanilla
Stir in the flour and baking powder and set aside while you prepare the crumb topping
Crumb Topping
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon of flour
1/2 to one tablespoon of brown sugar
1/2 to one teaspoon of cinnamon
Smash all the ingredients together with a fork until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
Pour the mix over the cake batter.
Cook it in the microwave for one minute to start, then at 10 second intervals until the coffee cake is cooked the way you like it.
Nutrition information
Calories 549
Fat 29 grams
Carbohydrates 68 grams
Protein 5 grams