For the first time in a long while, I academically took the weekend off. I did not check any of my classwork, my grades or my email once this weekend.
But once I came back to reality Sunday night, I found out that I left a lot of mixed reviews about last week’s article.
The various array of email’s ranged from a person criticizing me for attacking the Christian faith to another thanking me for bringing up a topic that addresses the separation between church and state. I even had a friend write a message on my Facebook wall commenting about my article. But in the several emails and messages I received, I will have you know that I had more negative reviews than positive ones.
This is not the first time that someone has sent me emails that were not so “supportive” of my articles. I have received comments from self-proclaimed atheists saying I am too sympathetic with religion and religious people who claim that I am too soft on secular groups.
Basically I can’t win with anyone.
At first, I was a little upset. However, I realize that responses about my religion articles, be they negative or positive, are ultimately what I am trying to accomplish.
Religion is a topic that impacts every one of us and most people have a very strong emotion towards their beliefs. Yes, it may be personal and uncomfortable to talk openly about, but it has to be an open dialogue. And if sending me hate mail or negative comments is what it takes to get that dialogue going, then… well, I guess I’ll take it.
I do not expect everyone to agree with what I have to say on religion—nor do I want anyone to entirely agree with me. But what I challenge everyone to do is to argue your beliefs, challenge the other side of the debate and strengthen your own arguments.
But most importantly keep talking about religion.
With that being said, if you don’t agree with me, keep the emails coming.
I don’t mind it in the least.